GMail Drive- Free Online Storage

By using GMail Drive you can save your files online in your GMail account to use GMail Drive you must have an Gmail account.If you do not have GMail account Click Here to create your GMail account.

GMail Drive is an OS shell Extension that creates a virtual drive in My Computer,

allowing you to use your Google Mail account as a storage medium.

You can create new folders,copy,move,rename,delete files and folders and sort files according to name,exetension,date etcetra.The first time the tool is run, it prompts users for a GMail user name and password

and offers basic security features when logging in.
GMail files are physically stored as e-mails on your Google Mail account. The files are stored in mail attachments, and the filename and file information (such as filesize) is stored in the message subject line.

Click Here to Download Gmail Drive