Tip 7 : Re-enable icon transparency on your desktop

4. Re-enable icon transparency on your desktop

Have you ever changed your desktop theme or just
your desktop background and discovered that the text
for your desktop icons is no longer transparent?
Instead, you now have a colored background box
behind the text. If you have experienced this situation,
chances are that you searched high and low for a
solution, but were unable to find one. That's because
the setting that allows you to control the icon
transparency is poorly named. Rather than choosing
something makes sense, Microsoft named the setting
Use Drop Shadows For Icon Labels On The Desktop.
To make matters worse, this setting is buried in the
Performance Options dialog box instead of appearing
in the Display Properties dialog box. In any case,
sometimes that act of changing a desktop theme or
desktop background inadvertently disables the Use
Drop Shadows For Icon Labels On The Desktop
setting. Fortunately, re-enabling is it easy. Here's how:
1. Access the Control Panel and double-click
2. When you see the System Properties dialog box,
select the Advanced tab.
3. Click the Settings button in the Performance
4. When you see the Performance Options dialog
box, scroll down the list and select the Use Drop
Shadows For Icon Labels On The Desktop check box.
5. Click OK twice-once to close Performance
Options dialog box and once to close the System
Properties dialog box.
You should now have your transparent icons back.

Courtesy : @internet.info